
Take a closer look at the latest shoots and happenings here at Jack Harding Photography.

Q&A April 2020

Questions & Answers

Hello team! I hope you’re all doing well at home, and eating your own bodyweight in food. Everyday!

As promised, I would add the Q&A from Instagram onto the website. So here it is, along with some extra sprinkles on top.


Where are you from?
I was born in a small town called Northallerton, North Yorkshire - England.

Where are you currently?
I’m living in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Where are you planning to go first after CV-19 has been resolved?
To Toast, my favourite coffee shop! On a more serious note, I would love to make a road trip to Spain, Italy or Portugal. Hopefully in a classic car and great company. Going on this journey is one of my main dreams for summer 2020. 

What do you want to do once CV-19 has been resolved?
As mentioned above, a crazy road trip would be a dream. However, I think that it’s going to be a pretty busy time with work and that a lot of companies will require content and advertising. I believe this is going to be an exciting time for many in the industry.

When did you gain your followers on Instagram?
A large percentage of my audience was gained during 2017 as I progressed from around 20k to 170k. Since 2017 there has been a steady rise without many periods of aggressive growth. Of course, Instagram is always changing things, so this can move in different patterns.

Across 2017 and 2018, I was very active on the platform, posting multiple times some days. I had a lot more freedom as I wasn’t shooting as many campaigns for commercial clients.

Would you move to another country?
I LOVE SCOTLAND. However, I’m only 28, and I couldn’t rule out a move. At the moment I’m happy here but would be open to a little more sunshine. Maybe half of the year?

What do you do when there is nothing to do?
First of all, there are people out there who have nothing to do? I spend quite a lot of time researching outfits and fashion both for my enjoyment and shoots. I usually do this research on websites like Fashionbeans / Pinterest and eBay.

I guess I’m the type of person that goes through phases where I’m interested in specific topics. Recently I’ve been researching the history of watches—also, the gym (at the moment it’s my living room floor).

How many espressos do you drink per day?
Usually around five. Sometimes doubles… oops!

How long does it take you to edit your Instagram posts?
Between 20 and 120 minutes. Portraits often take longer, which I think is common.

What are your favourite conditions to shoot in?
I’m a sucker for a clear sunrise, and this would be my first choice for shooting. I also enjoy photographing in rainy/ moody weather as I can often make the most of the RAW files during the editing process.

What did you study?
I didn’t go to university. To be completely honest, I was quite distracted during my A-Levels and couldn’t decide what I wanted to study. I would probably have studied either business or law.

Fashionista or prescription glasses? Where are they from?
Prescription for computer use and driving. They are from IOLLA, a company in Scotland who do frames and lensed for £65. Not an ad.

Is there an excellent opportunity for lesser-known photographers to progress after CV19?
I think that if you have been creating a positive atmosphere around your content and brand, then there could be an excellent opportunity for you. Ensure your ducks are in a row. I’d recommend thinking about concentrating on the following: 

- Get your website up and running. Squarespace is an excellent option.
- Research SEO (search engine optimisation). Learn how to get your company higher on Google.
- Once you've completed the above, look into GoogleAds/ FacebookAds and PPC (pay per click).
- Start a blog or vlog.
- Upload content to YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook.
- Create content around the house.
- Look for sales on new camera equipment or outfits if you're also on the other side of the camera.
- If you have a blog or large following, then look into Amazon affiliate program.
- Update your camera software or computer/ MacBook.

What is the best way to reach out to a potential company I’m interested in?
What a great question! One that I feel is important too. Here a few personal tips:
- Reach out to brands which you feel are suitable.
- Have a clean/ neat signature.
- Don’t be scared to say what you can offer and what you expect in return.
- Attach a mediakit for them to view or include proof of previous work. Try to keep the file small otherwise, and they might not receive it. Many agencies and companies have email blocks on more than 10MB files coming in.
- Send the email from a professional email address. wouldn’t quite cut. Leave a good first impression.
- Remember that they receive a lot of emails, so try and add a personal touch.
- DO YOUR RESEARCH. Potentially drop in a point about a particular product or service they are selling. Show that you don’t send the same email to 100 companies and do your research. You’ll be able to come up with an idea which fits the brand and their vision.
- Know your worth, don’t do work for free unless you’re prepared to accept that this company will potentially never pay you.

What would you be doing if you weren’t a photographer?
I previously worked for two automotive brands and a bank. It would most likely be in the sales sector of one of these two areas.

Should I do free work?
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked this question, I’d be doing very well!

I think every photographer has done free work at some point, if they say they haven’t then there’s a good chance they’re lying. In 2017 I completed some work in exchange for product and feel that it was a good experience and opened up more doors. However, not with that particular company.

Personally I think that there is a better alternative out there if the company aren’t willing to pay. Here is a breakdown below:
- Offer the option of reviewing the product if you don’t feel it’s a great match for you. The company also has the option to purchase images and further advertising if the item is a good fit. When you are in discussions you could mention that you’re happy to do a small review and that you can have a relaxed arrangement regarding this collaboration. You will take AMAZING images of the product and it is optional for the client to purchase these.
Worst case scenario: You receive a free product, gain some experience and have some new images for your website.
Best case scenario: The client loves the content, purchases the images and you begin a long term partnership.

A personal note: If you have a strong desire to work with the brand in future then it’s in your own interest to decline free work if they won’t budge. There will be a time in the future where the brand might reach out to you and have budget available. Remember that huge brands often change PR agencies or have multiple across the globe. If you cannot work something out this time, it might be one for the future.

How do I find the right person to speak to at a company regarding a collaboration?
Google is often the best way. For example if I was looking for the Vodafone UK PR team I would do the following.
- Check Vodafone UK website, press section and then look for the UK PR manager or Global manager.
- Google Search 2020 Vodafone PR agency. If no luck then 2019, 2018 and so on. There are news articles for most large companies changing their PR agency. This is also quite common!
- LinkedIn… you will often find the right person through this tool. Keep it strictly professional.
- Some larger companies have a in-house PR team for main activities and then smaller projects go to their outsourced PR agency.

Do you have a significant other? Girlfriend or boyfriend?
No, and it would be the first one.

How do you deliver your images to clients?
I use Pixieset, it’s the best tool out there.

Where are your favourite places to travel?
The first three which come to mind are Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan and South Africa. I also want to return to many of the beautiful places I've visited over the past few years.

Where do you see yourself in five or ten years?
Certainly a difficult one. I’m going to split it into three sections to try and keep it simple.
- Business: Running a team/ creative agency. Potentially a couple of Airbnb’s and maybe release a new brand. I can’t say too much!
- Personal: Healthy, maybe married? Kids? Who knows? I’m 28, so there’s plenty of time.
- Material items: I’d love to have a place in the city as well as somewhere by the ocean. The country where probably depends on the two above sections. I’d also love a couple of classic cars.

Tips for a beginner starting to shoot
- Download Adobe Lightroom & Photoshop. For as little as £10 per month, you have a selection of beneficial tools.
- Get out there and shoot. The experience will come over time.
- Learn when to shoot at the right times. Sunrise/ sunset or moody weather in my case. If you’re trying to photograph special moments at the middle of the day, it probably won’t work out that well.
- Arrange a photography trip with your friends. If you go to the right place with epic light. There’s a good chance that you’ll get lucky!
- Try and shoot with other like-minded people. You can learn a lot from others. Don’t be put off if they might not be as experienced as you, and there might be a specific area which they make you look very average!
- Skillshare/ Youtube to learn compositions and post-processing.
- Purchase some presets and dig deep into which areas of the preset make the changes you like most.
My favourite option: Take a Jack Harding photography workshop.

Lightroom or Photoshop?
This would be my process for most commercial projects:
- 80% of edit complete in Lightroom. Including colour, curve tone, simple cleaning of images etc.
- Send edited images to client with Pixieset so that they can choose the photos they would like to purchase.
- Final 20% of editing completed in Photoshop. This process would usually be extending an image or maybe brushing skin etc.

I hope you enjoyed the Q&A team, if you have any questions please add them to the comments section.

Disclaimer: None of this blog is in collaboration with any brands.

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